Thursday, June 14, 2012

Chanel Peridot

Well, we've all seen it, read reviews about it, some people have lusted after it - Chanel Peridot. I have to be completely honest; I like the look of it in the bottle, the formula is lovely and smooth, but the colour? I don't know, the colour just doesn't suit my skin complexion. But even though I didn't hold my breath waiting for the release of this polish, I can understand why others did - it is very pretty. It just isn't me :( I know, seems blasphemous doesn't it? A duochrome that doesn't make me swoon.
But you know what it did do though! It gave me an excellent opportunity to procrastinate before studying for an upcoming uni exam. I decided to amp up Peridot and turn it into something sparkly with attitude.

Chanel Peridot
Chanel Peridot
Chanel Peridot

This is two coats of Peridot, konad plate 70 with Black konad polish - then strategically placed gold glitter specks which I purchased from Born Pretty (told you I was procrastinating!)

Born Pretty Glitter

To top it off, obviously it needed  top coat so I opted again for the Out the Door Hologram topcoat. I really love this topcoat, it's just so versatile and easy to apply.

I've got to say, taking photo's to show this mani was a freaking nightmare. Because it is so metallic and reflective, light just kept beaming off it causing my camera to almost have a meltdown. Anyway, it's something different :)


  1. Wow, well done procrastinator!!! You came up with a brilliant combo, fantastic effect!! Leaves crackle coats for dead. Top job!

  2. I have just discovered my new lemming @.@ Where did you get it and how much?

    <3 Wednesday

  3. Thanks Sue :):)

    Wednesday, I actually saw this on sale on for $14!! I think it retails for just under $30 in Myer :/

  4. Wow that looks amazing! and very creative :)

  5. Very original and creative! i love what you did here!


  6. Thanks Sheila! :) :) :D It was time consuming, but fun too
